09. How to model a Penetration Seal Bellows Joint in Autopipe?

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, & V8i
Area: Modeling
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Dec 2014, AutoPIPE V8i


How to model a Penetration Seal Bellows Joint in Autopipe (see image below). This Seal Bellow Joint is welded to a pipe at one end, and to a seal plate wall penetration at the other end. The pressure inside the Penetration Seal Bellows is P(PSB)= 0.1 MPa, and the pressure inside the pipe is P(Pipe)= 3 MPa. The Penetration Seal Bellows Joint must be able to accommodate both the axial (DX), vertical (DY), horizontal (DZ) displacements, and the angular/torsional (RX) rotations.


Using the same techniques used from modeling Jacketed piping:

1. insert a set of node points on the existing pipeline exactly where the Flexible joint is to be modeled, (ex A175 and A180)

2. Select node point that matches wall location.(ex. A175), insert a new Segment (ex. C), offset from A175, a small distance (ex. 0.01 ft). with a new PIPEid.

3. Insert a new PIpeID that matches the size of the expansion joint, (ex "14std").

4. insert Flexible Joint  (ex C00 to C01) that matches the same distance as as previous node point set (ex. A175 to A180). Finish entering the correct settings as needed for the flexible joint dialog and press OK button.

5. Insert a Rigid beam between end point on flexible joint to main pipeline. (ex. C01 to A180).

6. Select First node point on flexible joint (ex. C00), insert rigid anchor.

7. Done, should look something like this:


See Also

Flexible Joint - Modeling Approaches, Tips, Techniques

Bentley AutoPIPE