01. How to import a PXF file into AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Area: Import
Date Logged
& Current Version
April 2019


How to import a PXF file into AutoPIPE?


1. Open AutoPIPE

2. Select File> Import > select AutoPLANT (*.PXF) or OpenPLANT Modeler (*.PXF) from drop down listing


3.  Browse to the folder where the PXF file is located, select the file and press OPEN button

4. Optional, select a project to associate with the model or press Cancel button.

5. When the General Model Options dialog appears, select the proper Piping Code, Edition, and other settings as desired (see help for detailed information on each setting)

Press OK button

6. Again, after the IMport OpenPLANT Modeler / AutoPLANT dialog appears the user can select the options as desired, 

Press OK button

7. At this point if there are any missing mappings in the imported file another dialog will appear to allow the user to set the mappings as needed. 

Note: This dialog will keep appearing until all mappings are completed.

8. Now the program is importing the file, this may take a few moments. When completed, a dialog will appear notifying the user if it was successful or aborted. 

If Successful, suggest to  press the Yes but to view all warning messages

If Aborted, use different troubleshooting steps to resolve the PXF file and try to import the model again. 

9. The model should now appear in AutoPIPE

10. In addition the following filename.MSG file should have appeared in AutoPIPE's Report Viewer automatically, may have opened behind AutoPIPE or on a different screen.

Note: this report is very important for the user to view and understand that some additional settings were applied to the model that will directly affect what and how things were imported. Users can change these settings by manually opening the CADAP.map file see AutoPIPE help for details on this feature.

See Also

Error messages in *.MSG file

Troubleshooting - Import AutoPlant / OpenPLANT PXF

Bentley AutoPIPE