How to edit Tag in Promise and Bentley Substation

 Product(s):Promis.e, Bentley Substation
 Area:Text Tools



Promis.e has title block functionality where attributes are given values by user during design work and these values can be made to appear on title blocks. These attributes include page and project descriptions, drawing set names, etc.

Get MicroStation functionality, including editing tags, by unloading Promis.e. This is done with the following key-in,


To bring back Promis.e functionality, need to restart/relaunch Promis.e.

Steps to Accomplish

1. Go to Utilities -> Key-In from the Main Menu.

2.Key-in Dialog box pop-up & enter the key-in MDL UNLOAD ECTECAD (shown in below image).

Key-in gets run, Promis.e functionality will unload from current session.

4. Notice the text Tag is editable, double click on text and edit. Refer below image.

5.Made some changes in text and verify result.

Once all the changes done using MicroStation Mode & want to use Promis.e then need to restart it.

NOTE: Please make a Note that changing Promis.e intelligent items while Promis.e files are open in MicroStation, MicroStation Mode Promis.e, or “unloaded”
Promis.e can result in discrepancies between the drawing and database. This, in turn, can result in undesirable or unexpected behavior and error messages.

 Original Author:Avanti Khandalkar

keywords : Tag editing ,Promis.e, Bentley Subsation ,