
ProjectWise helps accelerate your project strategy with workflows extending across projects, improving collaboration, and delivering projects faster. Providing the necessary tools will help to identify and implement best practices across a user enterprise while delivering quality projects in less time.

Role-Based Onboarding Experience

Creator BIM Modelers, CAD Operators, Architects, Document Controllers


Learn how to work with project folders and documents under the documents root folder.

Software Used

Training Courses (LEARNserver)

Reviewer and Approver – Design Managers, Project Managers, User's Clients


Learn how ProjectWise Deliverables Management provides secure deliverables exchange between business entities making it easier to identify and resolve urgent issues.

Software Used

Training Courses (LEARNserver)

Consumer – Field Workers, Project Managers, Sub-Consultants and Contractors, User's Clients


Learn how to determine if ProjectWise Web or ProjectWise Explorer would be the most appropriate ProjectWise client or service based on your user persona needs.

Software Used

Training Courses (LEARNserver)

Project Administrator – Project Managers


Learn how to manage a project’s membership of groups and user lists in ProjectWise.

Software Used

Training Courses (LEARNserver)

ProjectWise Administrator – System Administrators, Data Administrators 


Learn how to create and manage ProjectWise data sources which define the basic framework for the document management system.

Software Used

Training Courses (LEARNserver)

ProjectWise Learning Paths

ProjectWise Product Overview

ProjectWise Resources – Learn How You Can Make Every Project Your Best Project

Case Studies

ProjectWise Special Interest Group (SIG)

Coffee Corner – ProjectWise

Join the ProjectWise Community

Provides Wiki articles, forum information, blog posts, files, and ideas.

Bentley Community for ProjectWise

Subscribe to the Bentley ProjectWise YouTube Channel and Playlists

Provides various short overview videos on program features and capabilities.

ProjectWise Product Datasheets

BIM collaboration for small to mid-size design teams.

ProjectWise 365

ProjectWise Components Center is a ProjectWise 365 digital component management service that provides faster access to, and more consistent use of, catalogs of manufactured digital components.

ProjectWise Components Center

ProjectWise Design Integration software helps connect people and information across geographically dispersed teams to manage, find, and share CAD and geospatial content, project data, and business documents.

ProjectWise Design Integration

Manage and lower the risks involved with schedule, contracts, and legal compliance throughout the project lifecycle with ProjectWise Deliverables Management.

ProjectWise Deliverables Management

ProjectWise Specifications Management is the only specification software that features the revolutionary spec modeling approach, including template-driven authoring, infinite re-purposing for different uses or users, and the linking of specification content with related information.

ProjectWise Specifications Management

ProjectWise ProcureWare helps small and large organizations source a broad spectrum of procurement requirements for materials, services, and construction.

ProjectWise ProcureWare Data Sheet

Supplemental Documents


ProjectWise Administrator Accreditation Program