This article is the first step for working with KeyLAB. If this is your first time working with KeyLAB the best place to start will be the getting started videos. 

Getting Started Videos

If you are looking for the admin's guide videos use the link below. 

KeyLAB Admins Videos

What is a Test in KeyLAB / How to import a test

Implementing KeyLAB

The guide below is a four-step program to run though if you are looking implement KeyLAB taking you over the steps to start installing to scheduling and reviewing test sheets and dataloggers. 

Implementing KeyLAB

KeyLAB Installation

For the installation of KeyLAB, the links below the first thing we need to think about is which licensing you are using. 

  1. Connect 
  2. Hardware Lock (HWL)

If you are using connect the guide below will help get started with the installation. 

Connect Installation or transition

If you are looking for the SQL server specifications the link below is for all Keynetix desktop software including KeyLAB.

Hardware Specifications

For the installation of the SQL and setting up of the database for KeyLAB, the two links below will guide you into the process. 

SQL install

Setting up a database

The last step is to connect the database to KeyLAB the following guide will help. 

Connections to KeyLAB

For articles on this subject, see the Table of Contents on the left or use the search bar above.