Report Setup Does Not Allow Filtering of Load Cases in Update 9

First Affected Version:
 Found in Version:
Fixed and Released in Version: 
 Area: Steel Design as per AISC 360-16
 Issue #:1101622

Problem Description

The Report Setup dialog box contains a "Load Cases" tab which allows users to specify which load cases that are to be included in the report and which are to be omitted.  There is a known issue in Update 9 that prevents this selection of load cases from being honored in the report, which includes all load cases no matter what.  



The following alternative method will allow for the creating of a report through means other than the “Report Setup” dialog box:


  1. In Post Processing, go to the Results tab at the top of the screen.
  2. Underneath and to the right, click on the “Select Load Case” button. You will see the Results Setup dialog box appear.
  3. In this dialog box, go to the Loads tab.
  4. Place the desired load cases in the Selected window.  The load cases to be omitted should go in the Available window.
  5. Click Apply and OK.  Now all tables/results in Post Processing will be updated to display data for the selected load cases only.  
  6. Right-click on any table and select Print Preview to verify only the desired load cases are reported.  
  7. Then print to PDF.  The same can be done for any other desired items (beam force summary, node displacements, reactions envelope, etc.)  In this way you can compile a group of PDFs forming your report with correctly filtered load cases.


The defect is being addressed and a fix will be available in the upcoming STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 Update 10.