End Condition Rules

Product(s):InRoads, MX, GEOPAK
Area: End Conditions



What are the rules that govern how end conditions are solved at each template drop?


1.       If multiple end conditions are attached to a single point, then only one end condition will solve by order of priority

2.       If multiple end conditions are attached to multiple, independent points, then one end condition from each point will attempt to solve.

3.       Priority is only considered for end conditions attached to the same point.

4.       If a secondary end condition is attached to the end of a primary end condition, then the secondary end condition will solve only if the primary end condition solves successfully.

a.       Exception:  If the primary and secondary seek the same target, and the last segment of the first end condition is not marked to Check for Intersection, then both will be placed if the secondary is successful.

5.       If a secondary end condition is attached to the end of a primary end condition, then the primary end condition will solve only if the secondary end condition solves successfully.

6.       Point controls can control points within an end condition.

a.       Exception: Do not use a point control on the last point in an end condition.

7.       If an end condition is marked as Do Not Construct, but has a normal (constrained, unconstrained, or simple) component attached to one of its points, that normal components will still be constructed.

8.       Display rules are solved before end conditions are solved.

9.       Display rules and parent components can control the display of end conditions.

10.   If display rules are used on end condition, it is possible to have the successful end condition turned off by rule.

11.   Non-end condition components can be children of end conditions.