W726-9: A Guide or Line Stop should not be inserted at following kink point(s)...message appears w

Applies To
Area: Warning
Date Logged
& Current Version
July 2021


The following is displayed in model consistency check report:

W726-9: A Guide or Line Stop should not be inserted at following kink point(s)
Instead, insert a new run point near the kink to add the support.

Why and how to avoid the issue. 


As the warning message indicates, support(s) was found at a kink in the pipe run or a kink in the pipe was found at the exact location as a support. This can be checked by reviewing the model consistency report where both warning messages would have occurred at the same node point: (Example E09)

W726-8:   Kink in straight run at following point(s):

E09         1.4  deg

W726-9: A Guide or Line Stop should not be inserted at following kink point(s)
Instead, insert a new run point near the kink to add the support.


Typically there should be a straight run of pipe at supports locations. 


1. Move the support to a straight run of pipe

2. Straighten the piping to avoid kinks. 

See Also

"Warnings" Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE