Expired license or a license that expires soon when you have a gINT Logs or a Professional Plus lice

 Applies To 
 Product(s):gINT Logs, gINT Professional Plus 
 Version(s):8.2x with Bentley licensing, 8.3.x
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Licensing - Technical
 Original Author:Kathleen Holcomb, Bentley Technical Support Group








Error or Warning Message

"Trial expires in x days"

                - or -

"Your 30 day trial of gINT Professional has EXPIRED!" 



When gINT installs it defaults to gINT Professional.  If your license is for either Logs or Professional Plus gINT will start a 30-day trial of Professional.  At the end of the 30 day trial you will be locked out of gINT.


How to Avoid

Option 1

To avoid this situation, during the installation, select gINT Logs or gINT Professional Plus, as appropriate.


Option 2

  1. If the 30 day trial has not expired, open gINT. 
  2. Open the Help menu drop-down list.  You will see a checkmark by gINT Professional. 
  3. Select either gINT Logs or gINT Professional Plus, as appropriate. 


Option 3

  1. If the 30 day trial expired and you cannot open gINT, browse to the folder where the gINT8.exe is installed.  This is likely to be in C:\Program Files\Bentley\gINT V8i\bin or C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\gINT V8i\bin.  
  2. Find the file gINTLicMan.EXE.  If it exists, double-click it. 
  3. Select gINT Logs or gINT Professional Plus, as appropriate.  Click Save. Click Close.
  4. If gINTLicMan.EXE does not exist, please contact Technical Support. 


See Also

For general licensing troubleshooting: http://communities.bentley.com/products/licensing/w/licensing__wiki/troubleshooting-product-activation-for-xm-and-higher.aspx