Cost Code Setup

This widget lists all the Cost Codes that are available across all the iModels in a Control project and can be assigned to selected 3D element(s).


Cost Codes can be populated in SYNCHRO Modeler by uploading an Excel configuration file in a SYNCHRO Control project. Only users assigned with a Role having the following permissions will be able to view (Read iModel quantities) or edit (Administrative iModel quantities) the configuration -

The configuration files can be downloaded from SYNCHRO Control > Administration > Cost Code configuration > Actions dropdown.

Download sample file downloads an Excel configuration template that is prepopulated with sample data to help set up cost codes.

Download template downloads an empty Excel configuration template.

Configuration rules downloads a word document containing detailed information on how to work with various data and schemas to set up the configuration file.

Formula rules downloads a word document containing detailed information on how to use formulas for Work step calculations.


Cost Codes Configuration 


This sheet provides a brief overview of how to use different aspects of the configuration file.


Automatically calculated variables
Currently, only the following automatically calculated variables are supported: $$area, $$volume and $$each. Quantities are calculated automatically for the Work steps where these variables are specified in the formula.


Model Based Variables
Any model/design measurement like length, height, weight, or element properties can be used as a model-based variable in the quantity formula. You can specify a measured value for these variables directly from the model in SYNCHRO Modeler as well.


Project Variables
These are used to describe project or company wide variables like asphalt density, waste factor, etc., that are not queriable from the model. It is important to take unit of measurement (UOM) into consideration when specifying values for the project variables. The variable name must have "$" as prefix.


Geometric extraction defines which surface or surfaces,  or the whole object itself is used for calculations. Currently, only “Object / Element” geometric extractions are supported.


Unit of Measurement (UOM)

A list of all default UOMs with their abbreviations are provided and can be used in Work steps. Custom UOMs can be added considering the following rules -

Work steps

This sheet lists all the Cost Codes, the Work steps with calculation formulas, that will be assigned to selected 3D model elements in SYNCHRO Modeler. Detailed instructions are provided in Configuration and Formula rule documents, but consider the following key pointers -


Cost codes Level 1-7 defines the parent-child tree hierarchy for Cost Codes.

Work steps defines the formula for extracting quantities from the model.

Code requires a unique code that is assigned to the model

Name is the name of the Work step

Type can be a custom defined value that can be used for categorization

UOM is the unit of measurement for the calculated quantity

Geometric extraction specifies how the geometry is read for calculations. Currently, only “Object is supported.

Formula Calculation is used for calculating the model quantity

Total/Roll-up aggregates the quantities to the specified Cost Code

Volume UOM is the default unit of measurement to be used for volumetric calculations.
Eg. UOM for a Work step is “lb” with formula “$$volume*$$$length” but will use “yd3” for the volume.

Area UOM is the default unit of measurement to be used for area calculations.


Cost Codes Upload

Upload the Cost Code configuration through SYNCHRO Control > Administration > Cost Codes configuration.

If there’s already an existing cost code configuration, click Replace to update it with a new configuration.

Note: Even though existing configurations are preserved, there’s a chance that they might be incompatible and may be removed. 

Note: There is no way of downloading an uploaded Cost Code configuration and must reach out to the original creator for a copy.

Upon upload, the configuration file goes through a validation process, and displays a count of all entities like Cost Codes, Work items, a list of Project variables, and Top level Cost Codes.

The validation also looks for any errors in the configuration file and provides information to fix them.

Once the cost code is successfully uploaded, we will see the cost code in SYNCHRO Modeler like below.

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