Error while installing Leap Bridge Enterprise Connect Edition

Document Information

Document Type: FAQ 

Product(s): LEAP

Version(s): All

Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group


What is a workaround solution when the program shows error while installing Leap Bridge Enterprise Connect Edition?


Please follow this below mentioned workaround solution to install the program successfully.

1)    Download the installer file ( .exe file) from Bentley Select Server to a folder.
2)    Double click on the .exe file.
3)    Then while installing the program will save .msi files in C: Bentley Downloads\Lbe15010005en           folder.
4)    Please install the Leap Bridge Enterprise.msi and DgnNavigatorControlAx.msi files separately.
5)    Then finally install Setup_CONNECTIONclientx64.exe separately.

Please see the attached screenshot which shows the error message.