Quick Log View

After creating the quick log, a number of options are available for customisation of the log and these are shown on the Log Tools tab in the Ribbon along with navigation tools.

The Actions section of the tab allows for the data to be exported and adjusted. Selecting the Reload Data option will refresh the log updating it for any changes that have been made to the data to be shown. The print dialogue will allow for a printer to be selected and output. For further information on printing, see the section on Printing Logs to XPS or Printer. The save Quick log button allows for the log to be saved as a document within the database. The document will then be saved as a quick log contained within the documents manager and be linked to the location.

Save to PDF will automatically save the log as a pdf output file which can be opened using whichever pdf application your computer has installed.

Parameters tab allows you to change the name of a Quick Section.

The Settings Section of the tab allows for the template to be setup ready for output. All changes made within this system will invoke OpenGround Cloud Professional into automatically refreshing the form using the parameters selected.

The template is the basic profile used to plot the data onto a page. Any templates available within the system can be selected. The paper size can also be changed to adjust the size of the output needed.

The scale option will set the number of units per page. This is dependent on the size of the log itself. The range options allow for a certain section of the log to be output.

Details on Creating and Adding New templates can be found under the Designing Creating a New Template section of this guide.

The Page Setup section of the tab allows for the output to be rotated so that the output is either Portrait in orientation or Landscape.