Leg Dimension for Some Bars are coming zero value.

 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Subarea:Bar Bending Schedule
 Original Author:Sandip Kar, User Success Team

Problem Description

While publishing the Bar Bending Schedule, some of the legs value coming as zero. 

Steps to resolve

This issue arise when the Formatting in .lst file does not set correctly. Please follow the below steps to get the correct value.

1. Select the particular .lst file when you are in Partlist print dialog.
2. Click on the Edit Partlist definition.

3. In the Partlist Editor, go to the Data Line, where you will find all the Leg Dimensions defined by variables.
4. When you click on any Dim Line defined as variable, you can see in the right side Formatting is mentioned as "123,456.1/-123.456.1"

4. And that is the reason the values are coming as Zero.
5. Now click on the Format line and click on 3 dots which will open the Format dialog.
6. Select "No Format". and click on Ok button.

7. Then save the .lst file.
8. With this .lst file when published the BBS, will publish the correct result.