Making the changes in the connection deletes the grouping automatically

 Version(s):CONNECT Edition
 Area:Steel Connections
 Original Author:Mihir Patil, Bentley Product Advantage Group


When you apply the connection and grouping are already done with associated shapes then after changing some parameters from the existing connection, you may see that this change dissolves the grouping.

This wiki will guide how to avoid this issue and explain the reason behind this. Please follow the steps below.


1. This deleting of grouping issue when the connection is modified usually comes when the grouping is done with the help of Create group tool i.e., manually.

2. Hence, to avoid this issue the grouping should be done from the connection dialog itself and the manual grouping should be avoided.

3. In each connection tab, there is an option provided for grouping. E.g., here in the web angle connection dialog, under the group tab, there are options provided for grouping.

4. Make sure that these options are checked and if grouping is done from the connection dialog itself then grouping will not get deleted when modifications are done in the connection.