Q. AutoPIPE Vessel reverts to demo mode, why?

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Area:Install & License
Date Logged
& Current Version
June 2018


Program always reverts to Demo mode, when valid license is available.

Why and how to avoid?


AutoPIPE DEMO appear in the application bar regardless of license selection.


If a valid license is available, contract is in good standing, and everything appears to be correct; check the following:

Open and Modify one of the following AutoPIPE Vessel Preference settings :




Use a very unique value, something that would only appear once in the entire registry (example: RedandPurple, FlashAhh, etc..)

Open the computer Registry and search for the unique word entered above. Was the unique word found in one of these two location:

    - Computer\HKEY_Current _User\Software\Bentley Engineering\AutoPIPE_Vessel_40.06.00.007\

    - Computer\HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Bentley Engineering\AutoPIPE_Vessel_40.06.00.007\

If no, then perform the following:

Close the computer registry

Uninstalled AutoPIPE Vessel application and all related folders

Make sure that user has local admin rights

Log on to system with user credentials

Installed and License AutoPIPE Vessel using normal methods

Close all applications

Reboot computer

Optional, remove User admin rights

Log onto the computer with User credentials, confirm application no works correctly.

Issue related to DEMO appearing at the top of the application bar

Perform the following:

1. Open Regedit on the effected system.

2. Go to location here:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Bentley Engineering\AutoPIPE_Vessel_42.04.00.092\Licensing

Is a license folder shown in the listing?

If yes, go to next step

If no, continue here

b. Create a License folder with New Key command

c. In the license folder, on the right side use New Dword Value as shown in the image. 

d. Close regedit and try to run AutoPIPE Vessel.

3. locate the DefaultLicense, what is the current value?

4. Change DefaultLicense to 2251 (decimal value) and close Regedit

5. Try to Start AutoPIPE Vessel, open a model, what license is shown at the top

See Also


AutoPIPE Vessel