Adding New Fields

OpenGround Cloud Professional comes with a great number of tables and fields that should meet the demand of the majority of users. However, further tables and fields may need to be added to allow for further data to be entered when needed.

To add a new field to an existing table, firstly open the project that needs editing and select the Model Structure option from the Configuration Menu.

The Model Structure window will then appear listing all of the available tables and in particular this project. Select the table that is to have the new field added and select the edit button.

The Edit Group window will then appear listing all of the currently available fields within the selected table. To add a new field, select the Add header button at the bottom of the window.

Standard tables can have any display details edited to make them more specific to the user's needs.

The definitions for these tables and any fields within these cannot be edited.

The Add Heading window will then appear allowing for the definition of the new field to be added. All of the fields will need to be entered to allow for the field to be stored correctly. Any values that do not match the required validation will appear as a warning, allowing for any details to be corrected.

Once all of the values have been entered, select the Save button and the field will then appear in the user interface.