How to point MicroStation and OpenRoads to the same workspace configuration

Product(s):OpenRoads Designer
Area: Basic Settings



How can I set up MicroStation and OpenRoads Designer to use the same workspace?


Since OpenRoads Designer delivers the full MicroStation workspace configuration along with its own configurations, it is possible to simply point both MicroStation and OpenRoads designer to the OpenRoads Designer workspace configuration.

1.) Browse to the MicroStation "ConfigurationSetup.cfg" located here: C:\ProgramData\Bentley\MicroStation CONNECT Edition\Configuration\

2.) Edit the _USTN_CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION variable to point to the ORD configuration.  For example:

_USTN_CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION=C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenRoads Designer CE\Configuration\

3.) Save the CFG file and restart MicroStation.