How to migrate Projects and WorkSpace to new Server using OpenUtilities Substation

 Product(s):OpenUtilities Substation Edition
 Version(s): 10.00.XX.XX to 10.14.XX.XX
 Environment: NA
 Area: Maintenance Feature
 Subarea: NA


Organizations usually have IT Policy in place that might need regular upgrading/changing Servers on regular intervals or according to the policies. in the article will help Database Admin/It Admins on impacts of changing of File Serves for OpenUtilities Substation (OUS) Projects whose Projects and WorkSpace are located on Network location for multiple users to access.

Note: Currenlty OUS does not support file store like for example One Drive or Drop box. 

Steps to Accomplish

1. Changing the WorkSpace location from Old Server to New Server. 

2. Moving Projects from Old Server to New Server. 

    A. Restoring Project from Backups to new File Server Location.

    B. Backup and Restoring files from old server to new Server.

1. Changing the WorkSpace location from Old Server to New Server. 

For WorkSpace to be configured to new network server location the path in the WorkSpaceSetup.cfg file needs to be changed to point to new server. The below steps should be done after the WorkSpace file have been copied as they are into new location or a backup of server has been restored on new server machine. 

Note: Make sure that the Server is mapped to all the user using the same method. That if the requirement is to use UNC path then all the OUS users need to have network location added as UNC on their machine. If the requirement is to use Mapped Drive path, then the server needs to be mapped on all users machine using the same Mapped Drive for example "E:\ ". 

1. Browse to the new location were the WorkSpace folder is located in the file server using Windows File Explorer.  Now copy the location of the folder from the address bar. 

2. Browse again using File Explorer on local client machine to the location " C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenUtilities Substation CONNECT Edition\Configuration" and open the file WorkSpaceSetup.cfg in Notepad. 

3. Now update the copied path from new server in front of the attribute MY_WORKSPACES_LOCATION as shown in below screen shot.

Note: Its very important to add Back Slash "\" at the end of the location path in the  WorkSpaceSetup.cfg file so that OUS functions without any issues.

4. Now this launch OUS and check if the WorkSpace loads correctly to the new path using the Configuration Variables tool under the Admin tool. 

5. Once the OUS is verified working correctly with new File Server Location for WorkSpace, the  WorkSpaceSetup.cfg from the currenlty machine can be deployed to all the user machine to the location "C:\ProgramData\Bentley\OpenUtilities Substation CONNECT Edition\Configuration\". 

2. Moving Projects from Old Server to New Server. 

A. Restoring Project from Backups to new File Server Location.

This method is recommended for users who have backup of Projects and they are planning to change the folder structure of the Project Folder Tree in which projects are stored. This is also advisable to users who are planning to not have all the projects restored and only use the projects that are currenlty required for the future or near future. 

If the user does not have Project Backup, then they can use the AutoBackup tool to backup the projects. Below is the Wiki Link for details on the steps to do AutoBackup.

1. First step is to create a Project Folder that will be used to restore the projects on the new Server. 

2. Now in OUS go to File >> Configuration Variables >> browse / update the path for the folder created in step 1 for the "ELEC_DEFAULT_PROJECT_DIR" variable and >> OK. 

3. The restore the project into the new server location by browsing the Folder Tree in OUS Project Manager. Follow the below wiki link on steps to Restore Project. This step needs to be repeated for all the projects individually  by selecting the required PRJ Backup file.

B. Backup and Restoring files from old server to new Server.

This method can be used in situation where the number of Projects is large and the size of individual project is also large making it time consuming to Restore projects individually. Another scenario would be also if there has been a crash or server is not in working condition and user dose not have Latest Backup or no Backup of Project.

Points to Consider: 

>> OUS Stores the location of the Projects in the Project Database. Hence if there is a change in the Server Name, then it needs to be updated in the Database. 

>> To update the path in Project SQL Database help needs to be taken from an expert DBA Admin. This needs to be done in order that the New location of the Project folder can be updated so that OUS can establish connection between the project and the project database. 

>> Please create a Backup of SQL Database Before modifying the project path in the database. Incase if anything goes wrong the backup database can be restored. 

1. The Project folders need to be restored or copied to the new Server Machine maintaining the folder structure inside OUS Project Folder. 

2. Now ideally the DBA admin can update the PRJPATH column for the project in dbo.Project table to match the actual new location of the project folder where they are currenlty placed. 

3. The user can Start OUS and verify if they are able open the Project Page for the project whose path has bee changed. If the project pages are not accessible, there might be an issue with the updated path in Step 2. 

 Original Author:Satish Saptasagar