Edit text tools settings dialog box in MicroStation v8.

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Text
 Subarea: Word Processor
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


Edit text tools settings dialog box in MicroStation v8.

When using the edit text tool with the text editor style set to the Word processor the edit text tools settings dialog changes to match the text selected for editing.


When you select the edit text tool and select a piece of text to be edited that elements attributes are then populated into the edit text tools settings dialog.

This is so that you can see what the current settings are of that piece of text or text string.

 Each text that is selected will then change the edit text tool settings dialog box. When you close out the edit text tool settings dialog it will remember the last known edit text's settings. Which is the default behavior of the edit text tool using the word processor mode.