How to use the Clone option in General Baseplate tool?

 Version(s):CONNECT Edition (10.XX.00.XX)
 Area:Steel Connections
 Subarea:General Baseplate
 Original Author:Vyanktesh Nama, Bentley Product Advantage Group


In this wiki, we are going to learn how to use the Clone option in the General Baseplate tool.

Steps to be follow

Please follow the below steps to achieve this.

1. In the below image, we can see two columns have different sizes of the baseplate applied to them. And the opened (via Right-click > Change Connection) General Baseplate dialog is of the right-hand side (i.e. 2nd) baseplate connection.

2. Now, left-click on the   Clone button and select the left-hand side (i.e. 1st) baseplate connection. Here, we can see that the Clone option just copied (or matched) the properties (or settings) of the left-hand side (i.e. 1st) baseplate connection.

In order to use the Clone option in the General Baseplate connection, you need to first apply the connection to the new column and then use the clone option to copy the setting from other baseplate connections to this new baseplate connection.

In this way, one can use the Clone option in the General Baseplate tool.

See Also