E31-63: Material type not recognized. Re-enter.. message appears when using AutoPIPE

Applies To
Area: Library
Date Logged
& Current Version
Aug 2022


The following is displayed when opening a model in AutoPIPE:

E31-63: Invalid code material(s) detected. Please use "Modify/Properties of Pipe Identifier" to update all pipe-ids. 

How to fix this issue?


When changing over the material library to a new selection the above message may appear. This is a clear warning to the user that one or more PipeIDs in the model may contain a Material selection that is not available in the newly selected material Library. This is an error message and should be taken seriously. 

Solution, open the Pipe Properties input grid and confirm all the PipeID's have a material currently available in the drop down listing. If no, then press on the material drop down listing for a specific PIpeID and select an appropriate material.  

See Also

Error Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE