Display Filled Component Shape when Running End Area Volumes Annotation

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Volumes
 Original Author:Chris Key, Bentley Technical Support Group










When running the End Area Volumes command, there are options for displaying the cut and fill shape which will fill in the area of the cross section that is in cut and fill.  There are some other options as well for the annotation but is there a way to fill each component that is computing volumes when you run the End Area Volumes command to verify InRoads is including each component in the computations?  


The End Area Volumes command will not hatch/fill each component individually.  The fill of the shape would be done when the components are displayed in the cross sections.

To display the component as a filled closed shape, there is a "Fill" option in the Symbology associated to the component under the 'Cross Section Line' that will fill any closed shape which is displayed using this symbology.  The component would have to be redisplayed once that option is set in the symbology.

The End Area Volumes is going to quantify any closed shape component in the Volumes report based on the InRoads STYLE that is associated to that component.  Therefore you can check the report output and verify that your component material (i.e. stripping, overlay, asphalt, aggregate, concrete) is reporting an area and a volume based on the style assigned to that component in the surface.