Export PLC I/O Text

 Product(s):Promis.e, BentleySubstation
 Area:Reports_Output Features

How to export PLC I/O text?


It can be useful to export PLC text such as I/O addresses and function text for the purpose of importing into other software such as the PLC programming software. This helps avoid discrepancies in PLC text between the two applications. Alternatively, it is possible to import PLC text into Promis.e or Bentley Substation in [[Options]] > Project Options > PLC Settings.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Open a page in the project from which the data is to be exported.

  2. Select the [[Run Reports]] tool.

  3. On the Run Reports dialog, expand the PLC List category.

  4. Preview the various templates in the PLC List category to find the most appropriate one.

  5. Set the check box next to the chosen template.

  6. Set the Output To File check box.

  7. Specify a Destination Folder and a File Name with no file extension.

  8. Set the CSV check box. The CSV format can be opened in Excel and typically has a "cleaner" output whereas the XLS format may have extra rows and columns to preserve WYSIWYG.

  9. Click the Run button.

If exporting PLC text is a frequent task and the output from the supplied templates has to be cleaned up before importing into the other application, consider customizing a report template using [[Report Template Designer]] to reduce or eliminate the amount of cleanup required.

 Original Author:Matt_P