03. Why does AutoPIPE's Time History output report results not coincide with "Time History Post Proc

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i 
Area: Results
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Mar. 2015


Why does the AutoPIPE Time History output report results not coincide with "Time History Post Processor" results?

"how does AutoPIPE determine which time history forces and moments to use for stresses?" Maybe my question would be clearer with an example. See the plot below. Clearly, the max and min points are 226 and 340 N*m. Now look at the forces and moments output report below--the moment is reported as +395 and -395, depending on which side of the point. It's unnerving that AutoPIPE would report different results in different places. This is at a support (damper), and I have the ZPA option checked. Is AutoPIPE applying some sort of correction at this location, a correction that isn't shown in the time history post-processor?


From the AutoPIPE help on this dialog see the last line:

Time History results do not include ZPA corrections.

Therefore if your time history analysis had ZPA option enabled, then NO the results on this dialog would Not match the output report.

See Also

"Time History" Results in AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE