How to turn off the 'Full' Switch in the Print Dialog

 Version(s):V8i and CONNECT Edition

Is it possible to turn off the 'Full' Switch in the Print Dialog?


The 'Full' Switch refers to the printable area and is on by default when the Windows Driver (printer.pltcfg) is selected. Hovering over this switch provides further information as shown below.

It is possible to turn this option off by loading a modified printer.pltcfg file.

Steps to Accomplish


  1. Open the Print Dialog and select the Windows Driver

  2. On the Print Dialog select File > Edit Print Driver Configuration

  3. On the Print Driver Configuration Dialog expand the 'Windows Printer' section

  4. Change ' Full Sheet Mode' to 'False'

  5. Select File > Save

Having made the change on the Print Dialog select File > Reload Print Driver Configuration for the change to be read.

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 Original Author:Carl Myhill