Q. Change AutoPIPE Edition License to: (Standard, Advanced, Nuclear)


a. User must be signed into CONNECTION Client before proceeding below, or have imported a license file with specific entitlements. 

b. The same exact downloaded file is used by AutoPIPE Standard, Advanced, Nuclear, and all other language editions (such as Japanese, Polish, etc.). There's no need to download more than once. What functions and languages are available while using the software are determined by the license choice (ex. Standard, Advanced, or Nuclear) and program settings choice.

AutoPIPE will default to Demo mode when the application is first installed, the user must then change the edition setting on the "Welcome to AutoPIPE Licensing" dialog. This dialog will automatically appear when first starting AutoPIPE after being installed or as long as the "Show Welcome Screen on startup" checkbox is enabled in the lower left corner of the dialog. 

Otherwise, use the procedure here to open the "Welcome to AutoPIPE Licensing" dialog

Again, after opening the dialog the user must select an edition of the program to be used during the current Work session

(choose the appropriate radio button in front of the edition, Standard, Advanced, or Nuclear, to be used during this current session).

If it is not clear which option you should choose, contact your company's Bentley On-site Administrator(s) for assistance.


a.  Features available when using an AutoPIPE Standard, Advanced, or Nuclear edition

b. Which edition to select on this dialog?

c. Which edition is currently being used?

d. How to download software?

e. How to review application release Notes?

Click OK to close the dialog an start using the program.


a. To help with QTL invoices, when using AutoPIPE 11.x and higher, changing from one edition to another the first time will display the following warning message. Confirm available license in LMT.  There is no way to limit licensing access to any edition of the software (Standard, Advance, or Nuclear); users must exercise restraint:

AutoPIPE Licensing
Please confirm the license change.

You have changed the license you wish to run this product under to
Nuclear. Depending on the license (s) your organisation owns and
product usage, this may incur additional software usage.
Yes No

More Questions:

  1. Do I need to install AutoPIPE Standard, Advanced, & Nuclear on my computer?
  2. Can I use the same license with each version / edition of AutoPIPE, or Does the cost of an AutoPIPE license change with the version / edition, example?
  3. How to set a default license edition (Standard, Advance, or Nuclear)?
  4. How to open AutoPIPE's "Welcome to AutoPIPE Licensing" dialog?
  5. Make sure License type is set to a specific edition?
  6. How is License Usage calculated?
  7. How to run application as ADMINISTRATOR
  8. Application reverts to DEMO mode.
    1. AutoPIPE 12.x and Higher
    2. AutoPIPE 11.x and Lower
  9. License computer not connected to the internet
  10. License Support Optimizer feature

See Also

Licensing issues outside of AutoPIPE

Licensing - AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE