09. Is my piping code, material, and component supported in AutoPIPE's PCF translator?

Applies To
Area: Import
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
April. 2015


Is my piping code, material, and component supported in AutoPIPE's PCF translator?


When importing a PCF file with AutoPIPE's PCF translator, the translator will map items based on the specified *.MAP file selected on the translator dialog. see screen shot below. Users can create multiple mapping files for use on different projects or when importing a file from a specific program:

V. and higher:

V. and lower:


1. In order to understand more about the existing mapping, open PCFIn.MAP file in any text editing software ( i.e. Notepad, Ultra Edit, etc..).

2. See WIKI here for manual on PCF translator

3. Since the translator is a separate application, be sure the selected Piping Code, Material Library, and Component Library that are available in your version of AutoPIPE. If not, the translator generated NTL file may not open correctly in AutoPIPE.

Topics covered:

1.  How to map PCF material to an AutoPIPE material?

2. How to update PCF Translator material listing with a new AutoPIPE User Material ?

3. How to update PCF Translator Material Library listing with a new AutoPIPE User Material Library?

4. How to map PCF component to an AutoPIPE component?

See Also

PCF Translator FAQ & troubleshooting

Bentley AutoPIPE