Feature specific Performance Issues


Feature specific Performance Issues 

Some Users may experience slowness or unresponsiveness when using a certain feature/utility. Here are some common scenarios where users may experience feature specific performance issues, as well as some methods for identifying and resolving them.

1. Get the latest performance improvements

We are constantly working to improve the performance of our software. By upgrading to the latest version, you can be sure that you are using the most efficient and reliable version available.

To update your software, refer wiki

Visit our blogs to stay up to date on the latest performance improvements.

2. UPF file location

UPF file on the network can cause significant performance issues.

Ensure configuration variable MS_USERPREF is set to a local location.
e.g., "C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Local\Bentley\MicroStation\23.0.0\prefs\Personal.upf"

3. Many WorkSpaces, WorkSets

There are known performance issues when loading large number of WorkSpaces, WorkSets from local and/or network drives.

It is recommended to group, WorkSpaces, WorkSets into a smaller set.

4. Accessing Cell Libraries stored in the Cloud

A new configuration variable _USTN_CELLPLACEMENTPERFORMANCE has been added in MicroStation 2023 to improve the performance. Refer wiki

Note: Accessing files from cloud storage is currently not supported/certified.

5. Properties Dialog

With the recent development in the Element Properties Dialog, we fetched plenty of properties. Retrieving the properties of a large selection of elements can cause a delay.

We have pushed some fixes to optimize the loading times. Refer Blog1, Blog2.

In MicroStation 2023, a new setting in the Properties Dialog allows you to control the Maximum Elements of elements displayed, improving performance when selecting multiple elements. Refer Blog.

6. Files with Reality Mesh

Optimize performance by disabling thumbnail preview. Refer Wiki.

7. If Problems Persists

Ideally collect the following, log a Service Case and work with the Support team in troubleshooting the issue.

• Performance FAQs

• Hang Dump

• Event logs

See Also

Performance Troubleshooting Steps

 Original Author:Leonard Jones