How to view extended node transient results for HAMMER elements

 Applies To 
 Version(s):08.11.XX.XX and higher
 Area: Output and Reporting


How can I view a graph of the various extended results not available in the Time History tab of the Transient Results Viewer? For example gas volume and gas pressure in a hydropneumatic tank or rotational speed of a pump?


The steps to view this information depend on your HAMMER version and what type of element/results you want to graph. If you have an older version of HAMMER, see the section further below.

Version: 08.11.05.XX and higher

Certain element types, such as hydropneumatic tanks, pumps, and turbines, now have select data available directly from the Transient Results Viewer. Hydropneumatic tanks include data on gas volume, gas pressure, and water inflow. Pumps include information on pump speed. Turbines include in formation on wicket gate position and speed. The steps below describe how to access this information.

Important note

1) Enter a number for the Report Period field in the properties of the element of interest (for example "10" means the results will be reported at every 10 time steps, based on the timestep transient calculation option)

2) Compute the model and open the Transient Results Viewer

3) Click the Extended Node Data tab

4) Select the element and graph type, then click Plot to view the graph

Note: If the element or result type is not currently available, see the steps below, which are also still valid.

Version and earlier (or later versions were certain element types aren't available)

The steps below assume you are using Microsoft Office 2007 edition or later. The process may be different for older versions of Office.

1) Enter a number for the Report Period field in the properties of the element of interest (for example "10" means the results will be reported at every 10 time steps)

Note: this is not currently available for all element types.

2) In your transient Calculation Options, make sure "True" is selected for "Generate Detailed Reports" and "Generate Extended Output Log".

3) Compute the model, open the Transient Analysis Detailed Report under Reports > Transient Analysis Reports and scroll to the bottom until you see the table of extended results for the node of interest.

4) Copy/paste the text from this table into a separate .txt file in Notepad. 

5) Open Microsoft Excel and start a new spreadsheet (the process is likely different with older versions of Excel)

6) Click the "Data" tab, choose "From Text" and select your file.

7) Choose "Fixed width", then "next"

8) Set up the field widths so that the columns of data are separated appropriately

9) Set up a line graph with the appropriate columns (Time, plus whatever attribute you would like to graph. For example, volume of air for a hydropneumatic tank)

Using newer version of MS Office (such as Office 365)

Follow the steps mentioned above till Step 6.

7) Choose "Transform Data". See below image for reference.

8) In the Power Query Editor window that comes up, under Home > Transform tab select "Split Column"

9) In "Split Column" choose the option of "By Number of Characters". See below image for reference;

10) The number of characters are the highest for the column "Air-Flow (cms)" in this case i.e. 13. Type in 13 in the field provided and let the rest of the options remain as they are.

11) Click "OK" and press "Close & Load" under the Home tab. The data would look like this;

12) This data might not be readily available for editing which is why it is recommended to simply copy and paste it into another worksheet.

13) After this data has been successfully copied, it might have some additional "blank spaces" before the values. E.g. Instead of "0.1000" the value would be "  0.1000" (notice the space before the value). To remove this you can use the TRIM function in Excel to remove the extra spaces in your value. Repeat this for the entire table. Copy these values again and use "Paste - Values Only" option in Excel. This will help you extract this data successfully.

See Also


Extended Node Data at odds with Time History graph for hydropneumatic tanks