MicroStation Blog - PokeIt for MicroStation — Select and View Elements Based on Attributes FROM Elements, Plus Much More
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PokeIt for MicroStation — Select and View Elements Based on Attributes FROM Elements, Plus Much More

Tim Grimm
Created (Edited ) in MicroStation Blog

PokeIt is a MicroStation VBA application. It's used to select, isolate or hide elements based on their attributes, such as level, color, line style, etc. The filter criterion is populated from a selected, or "poked," element rather than from a list in a dialog box. 

PokeIt is also used to create elements similar to a selected element.

There are also a few additional “bonus” commands, Fit SelectionInvert Selection and Fence Subset.

The interface of PokeIt is a context menu, accessed with a right press and hold on an element..


See a demo of PokeIt on YouTube.

Attached is version 7.3 of PokeIt, and it's compatible with the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

Note: Installation instructions are in the included PDF file.

  • PokeIt v7.3.zip 608.21K